Fellowship On The Fringe lands in Edinburgh!

Longstanding Edinburgh venue, The Jam House, was home to the final Fellowship on the FringeEvent in Scotland for 2017, bringing the best of hairdressing together in the North to celebrate the hairdressing industry and hair icons.
Introducing the evening was Fellowship President, Karine Jackson, who welcomed the Scottish hairdressers along and thanked them for their continued support and commitment to the Fellowship and the hairdressing industry as a whole.
First up, was world-renowned barber Alan Findlay, from Glasgow based Rebel Rebel. Alan has been a master of his craft for over 30 years and explained that all his team members are trained within hairdressing and barbering as he feels both are very important and are needed day to day in the salon, ‘Both skills are just as important,’ he explains. Alan introduced his segment by explaining his inspiration for tonight was contrasting, and how you can use two completely different styles to create a similar, contrasting vibe. Demonstrating on his first mode, Alan took the audience through using texture alongside fading, explaining how the two can work together to create a very masculine and modern style. Bringing out his presentation model, the audience could immediately see the contrast, with the model sporting a central scorpion braid and voluminous curls.
Next up was female fashionista Heather Nelson from Nelson Hairdressing in Lanark. Heather was presenting her incredible avant garde styles to the audience, explaining that she took her inspiration from her children’s toys to create her hair piece for the model, using good old fashioned weaving techniques to create a moveable mould. Her inspiration for the segment came from Blade Runner, with Heather explaining her passion lies within the avant garde category as she loves the creativity involved.
Next to grace the stage was hairdressing legend Kay McIntyre, of McIntyres salon, who was being interviewed live by Fellowship President, Karine. Kay took the audience through her journey into hairdressing, explaining that her first job was delivering butcher meat! She also talked the audience through her training experiences, the opening of her first salon and winning Scottish Hairdresser of the Year 3 times, which inducted her into the Hall of Fame within the British Hairdressing Awards – something that means the world to her.

Long standing Scottish stylist Ronnie Marshall from Byron Hairdressing was next on stage, explaining that over his 35years within the industry, the classic techniques are without a doubt the most important part of the trade. Ronnie’s inspiration for his segment was androgyny, and he explained that using classic techniques along with more modern ones allowed him to create his beautiful styles seen on his model. His first model wore a long voluminous style, with Ronnie demonstrating how feminine styles can be used on male clients to create a very masculine look. Ronnie then brought out his presentation model Payton, who sported a beautiful black box bob, but all was not as it seemed. Titling the head forward the model unveiled a green halo ring of colour, only seen through certain lights.

Last but not least, hairdressing icon and past President of the Fellowship, Bruno Marc graced the stage with his beautiful models. Bruno took the audience through his career explaining that without the Fellowship, he would not have been able to achieve and experience so many of his opportunities over the years. Bruno took the audience through his cutting techniques on the models, working with shorter styles and explaining the best way to achieve an on trend look.
After such a fantastic success in Scotland over 2017, the Fellowship for British Hairdressing look forward to the 2018 calendar with many more events in the pipeline.